Bwa African tribal mask


Bwa masks are believed to possess special powers which are controlled by those who wear them.

Another powerful heritage symbol reworked in this embroidery design with natural thread colors wich resemble organic paint and wood.

Their wearer looks through a hole in the mouth. The eyes are based on an owl and the hooked nose comes from the hornbill.

The plank section is decorated with geometric patterns which are an essential design element in many African masks and carvings.(Source :African Masks – Bwa Mask (

The geometric pattern creates an external rhythm which echoes the internal spiritual energy of the artwork. A perfect combination to stitch on natural fabric like linen.

The Bwa Mask is used to celebrate boys’ initiation into adulthood, represent information about the myths and morality that the boys must learn before they can be accepted into adult society.

The Bwa people are a community from Mali and Burkina Faso.

African embroidery design bwa tribal mask
Bwa African tribal mask
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